DIY Citronella Candles with Essential Oils

Kelly of The Tattered Pew

Looking for a way to get rid of those pesky mosquitoes this summer? Using essential oils can help. Check out this simple DIY!

*large jar or container of your choice *floating candles *Essential Oils  (Citronella/Lemongrass) *Water *Lemons/ limes *Fresh Herbs (Thyme or Rosemary)

Supplies Needed


Gather Your Supplies: Make sure to have all of the supplies needed for this simple DIY. Then find a clean workspace to get started. 

The key to making DIY citronella candles is to having the right essential oils. This three pack from Amazon was perfect and has lasted me several summers!


Slice Your Fruit.  Once you have your supplies it is time to get started. Begin by slicing your limes and lemons.


Next add in your lemon and lime slices. Follow up with any fresh herbs you want as well. Both rosemary and thyme smell amazing!



Then add your essential oil drops driectly to the water. You ca use just citronella or add other oils as well. Around 15 drops each.

Finally add in your floating candles. Fit in as many will work for your jar or vessel! Light & enjoy your DIY citronella candles and keep away the mosquitoes. 


Click below for the full tutorial on these DIY Citronella Candles with Essential Oils

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Hi, I'm  Kelly of The Tattered Pew . Join me for all things gardening & home. 

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