Tips for Setting a  Quick and Pretty Outdoor Table

Kelly of The Tattered Pew

Looking for some tips on setting a quick and pretty outdoor table? Check out these fun ideas and be prepared to set the most beautiful table!

Before you even decide to set your table find some flowers for a centerpiece to  help you decide on the color scheme! 


Create Your Centerpiece: The easy way to set a pretty table starts with the centerpiece. Gather your flowers and vase and start arranging! Sticking to one color helps create a cohesive look!

Next, lay out your tablecloth to set the bottom layer. Look for bright colors with patterns that coordinate with t=your flowers!


Gather Accessories.  Lay out your napkins, cups plates, silverware and placemats so you have everything together!


Don't be afraid to use paper napkins, outdoor silverware mixed with real plates and glasses. Outdoors means casual so have fun mixing and matching!



Fun ways to add texture is through baskets, vases and plants and flowers. Add some live greenery to your table since you are outdoors! 

Click below for the full post full  of tips for setting a quick and pretty outdoor table!

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Hi, I'm  Kelly of The Tattered Pew . Join me for all things gardening & home. 

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