Plans, Projects and Free Printables!

I can’t believe it is already the second Wednesday of January! We are  back to school and in the full swing of things here at our house.  Needless to say I have been very busy with my family and work and also busy making plans, preparing projects and creating free printables for you all! I am so excited to give you a little sneak peek into what I have planned to share with you all here on the blog this year.

Plans for the Blog

This year I have had fun sitting down to plan my 2019 editorial calendar. ( I used this Editorial Calendar from Social Fabric if you are a blogger or curious) My wonderful mom came over and helped me brainstorm some amazing post ideas. I want to be more intentional with my posts this year and share more of what you have been loving here on The Tattered Pew. I will be sharing more painting projects, DIY no sew projects, gardening tips and tricks and printables… plus SO much more. Let me know in an email or the comments below if you wish to see anything particular on the blog this year.

I also plan to be sending emails out on Wednesdays and Sundays. Keep your eyes peeled for this Sunday’s post where I will be joining 5 of my blogging friends for the very first “Welcome Home Sunday”! This will be a weekly post full of fabulous inspiration from some talented home decor bloggers.A collection of posts from talented home decor bloggers.

Projects Around Our Home

If you have been around the blog for awhile now you know we just did an entryway makeover with some gorgeous black and white tile.  First up this year on my project list will be our playroom/craft room. You can see it from our entryway and it is in need of some organization and style. I can’t wait to show you those plans!

A peek into our disaster of a playroom!

Also on the list is our master bedroom which is in need of a refresh.

Master bedroom
Our master is nice but in need of a refresh!

As well as my (almost) 16 year old step-son’s room.

And if our budget allows I would love to remove the carpet from our stairs and instead have risers that match our wood floors.

THe after...what a transformation!
I am so ready for this disgusting carpet on our stairs to be gone!

A girl can dream, right? I’m guessing this list will change and other projects will be added and some will be dropped off. But for now…these are on my list!

Free Printables For Subscribers

Oh gosh I think I might be most excited about this change on the blog! I have decided to have a dedicated “VIP Printables Library” for those of you who subscribe to my blog. It will be unlimited access and you will need a password to access the printables. The password will be given to you once you subscribe and will be on all emails that go out from me. For those of you who already subscribe the password and link can be found at the bottom of my emails. If you ever can’t find it you can always email me as well.

The first freebie of the year is this 2019 Planner! It’s just a little way for me to say thank you to all of you for following along! Plus it’s a great way to get organized for your new year!Free 2019 printable planner. #planner #printable #freebieIsn’t it is gorgeous? There are 11 pages that you can print in color or black and white. Print as many pages as you need. Just make sure to use it for personal use only. You can download by subscribing at the bottom of my post or by going HERE!Plan out your year with this free 2019 free printable 2019 calendar. #yearlycalendar #freecalendar #printable

Plans For Me Personally

This is a tough one. I don’t really share too much personally about myself or our family here on the blog. This year I want to share more stories with you all and I want to share more of what makes me me. I will be sharing more faith related posts, a bit more of my humor and some peeks into our crazy family life. There also might be some home staging in my near future so stay tuned!

I hope you will join me this next year as I step out of my comfort zone a bit more and share my passion for decorating, flea markets, easy DIY’s and making our builder grade house into a home. I can’t tell you how thankful I am that God has blessed me with this opportunity called blogging. So excited to see where He leads me in 2019!



Organize your year with this pretty & free 2019 calendar. #printable #freecalendar

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  1. What a great plan for the year! Can’t wait to follow the progress on the play/craft room.

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