Lavender Sugar


Lavender sugar is a delightful and aromatic ingredient that can elevate an array of culinary dishes and beverages. By combining the fragrant essence of lavender with the sweetness of sugar, you create a unique and versatile ingredient to have on hand in your kitchen. 

Infusing granulated sugar with dried culinary lavender buds is simpler than you might think, and the result is an irresistible blend that can be incorporated into countless recipes for both taste and presentation.

DIY Lavender Sugar

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Lavender Sugar

I find that lavender sugar works wonders in a variety of baked goods, such as scones (our family fave), muffins, and cookies, lending a subtle floral note that complements the sweetness of the recipes. 

Moreover, it can be stirred into hot or iced tea and used as a topping for desserts or even mixed into softened butter to create an herbaceous spread. The possibilities for using lavender sugar are endless, and experimenting with it in your own kitchen is both exciting and rewarding.

lavender sugar

The ease of making lavender sugar at home means that you never have to settle for store-bought options or pay high prices for this delightful concoction. In just a few simple steps, you can create your own batch, and the satisfaction of using your own homemade lavender sugar is hard to beat. 

With endless uses and such a simple process, there’s no reason not to try making lavender sugar for yourself and experience its charm firsthand.

Overview of Lavender Sugar

Lavender sugar is a delightful flavored sugar that I find perfect for enhancing various dishes and beverages. It’s an infused sugar that combines the natural sweetness of granulated sugar with the floral aroma and taste of lavender. 

One of the luxuries of lavender sugar is that it can be homemade, allowing me to have control over the quality and flavor intensity.

I enjoy using lavender sugar in a multitude of ways – from flavoring my tea and lemonade to creating unique baked goods. Its versatility makes it a fantastic staple to have in my kitchen. 

The best part is that making lavender sugar at home is straightforward and requires only two ingredients: granulated sugar and dried culinary lavender. By simply mixing these ingredients together, I can create a customized blend that fits my personal taste preferences.

Dried culinary lavender is different than the dried lavender that we have in our gardens.

Lavender sugar ingredients

One method I’ve found helpful when making lavender sugar is grinding dried lavender and stirring it into the sugar. This process infuses the sugar with the essence of lavender, resulting in an aromatic and flavorful product. 

Another technique involves layering lavender with sugar in a glass jar and allowing the sugar to rest a day before using it. This option lets me control how much lavender flavor the sugar absorbs.

Lavender sugar has become a favorite of mine due to its alluring taste and the ease with which it can be made at home. No matter the method used, it provides a unique addition to any pantry and opens the door to a medley of new and exciting culinary possibilities.

Lavender Sugar Recipe

Making lavender sugar is a great way to add a delicate, floral flavor to your favorite baked goods and beverages. This simple recipe only requires a few ingredients and can be easily modified to fit your preferences or available supplies.

As a confident and knowledgeable food enthusiast, let me share my tried-and-true lavender sugar recipe with you.


overhead view of lavender sugar


  1. If you are using fresh lavender flowers, make sure to dry them before starting the recipe. This can be done by hanging them upside-down in a cool, dark place for about a week. I have a full post on this HERE!
  2. Grind the lavender buds down to a powder using a grinder or a food processor. This will help release their flavor and aroma more effectively.
  3. Combine the lavender powder with the white sugar in a mixing bowl. Mix thoroughly to ensure an even distribution of flavors.
  4. If you want, add some whole lavender buds to the mixture for a more visually appealing final product.
Grinding lavender sugar

Now that you have your lavender sugar ready, you can use it in a variety of recipes, such as cookies, cakes, or even as a sweetener for tea or lemonade.

Storage Recommendations

  • Store your lavender sugar in a clean, airtight glass jar to keep it fresh and fragrant.
  • Keep the jar in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight or heat sources, as these may affect the flavor and potency of your lavender sugar.
  • I recommend using your lavender sugar within six months for the best flavor, but it can be stored for longer if needed.

Remember to always use culinary-grade lavender buds when making lavender sugar, as some varieties of lavender are better suited for perfumes and soaps. With this lavender sugar recipe in hand, you can add a unique and delicious twist to many dishes and drinks.

Culinary Uses of Lavender Sugar

As a lover of unique flavors, I have found that lavender sugar offers a delightful floral touch, enhancing the taste of various dishes, drinks, and baked goods. By infusing sugar with dried culinary lavender, the natural sweetness is combined with the fragrant aroma of the herb, creating a versatile ingredient to elevate your culinary creations.

Lavender sugar in jar

Pairings and Suggestions

Once I have my lavender-infused sugar ready, there’s a variety of ways I like to use it:

  • Baked goods: Lavender sugar adds a delightful character to sugar cookies, scones, and cakes. Its subtle flavor complements the buttery notes in many traditional baked goods.
  • Tea and coffee: I find that adding a teaspoon of lavender sugar to my tea or coffee gives it a pleasant and soothing aroma, perfect for relaxing after a long day.
  • Fresh fruit: Sprinkling some lavender sugar over fresh fruit enhances the natural sweetness, complementing the flavors of berries and melons.
  • Whipped cream: When whipping my cream, I like to fold in a bit of lavender sugar for a floral twist on a classic topping.
  • Pancakes and waffles: I love to sprinkle lavender sugar on my pancakes and waffles for a light, aromatic touch that takes my breakfast to a whole new level.
  • Cocktails: My husband likes to sprinkle it in a variety of cocktails he makes. My favorite is a lavender lemonade!

I usually combine two cups of sugar with one tablespoon of culinary dried lavender to make lavender sugar, grinding them together in a food processor for 10-15 seconds. Once infused, I store it in an airtight container, ready to be used in a variety of dishes and beverages.

When making lavender sugar at home, I always ensure that the lavender I’m using is meant for culinary purposes – this typically comes from Lavandula angustifolia (English or “true” lavender) plants, which possess a superior flavor and aroma compared to ornamental varieties.

Benefits of Lavender Infused Sugar

Lavender-infused sugar offers a unique and delightful twist to regular sugar, bringing a subtle floral taste to my favorite dishes. It’s made by combining dried culinary lavender with regular sugar. The result is a delicate, aromatic blend with an elevated flavor profile for desserts, drinks, and other recipes.

From a culinary standpoint, using lavender-infused sugar enhances the taste of my pastries, cookies, and cakes. The floral notes harmonize with the sweetness of sugar, introducing a new dimension to classic recipes. A little bit of lavender sugar goes a long way, and experimenting with this ingredient in the kitchen is truly enjoyable.

Aside from its flavor-enhancing properties, lavender-infused sugar can have some therapeutic benefits. Lavender is known for its calming effects and is often used in aromatherapy to alleviate stress and promote relaxation. When I use lavender-infused sugar in my home, I find that the gentle aroma of lavender helps to create a more soothing atmosphere.

In beverages, lavender-infused sugar can elevate the taste and experience of drinks like tea or lemonade. A sprinkle of it in my cup adds a floral essence and a touch of beauty with its vibrant purple hues. This makes enjoying my favorite drinks an even more delightful experience.

To create lavender-infused sugar for my recipes, I blend equal parts dried culinary lavender and sugar in a food processor for about 10 to 15 seconds. Then, I store this mixture in an airtight glass jar for at least a month, allowing the flavors to meld and the lavender aroma to permeate the sugar.

Lavender-infused sugar is a versatile and exciting ingredient that I love to incorporate into my culinary adventures. With its delightful aroma and unique taste, it’s an excellent way to take my desserts and beverages to new heights while also benefiting from the calming properties of lavender.

Lavender Sugar Ingredients

Simple Syrup with Lavender Infused Sugar

I’ve found that making lavender-infused simple syrup is incredibly easy and adds a wonderful floral touch to any drink or dessert. Combining the sweetness of simple syrup with the delicate, calming essence of lavender creates an aromatic and delightful experience for your taste buds.

To make lavender-infused simple syrup, I typically begin by following the traditional simple syrup recipe, which consists of one part water to one part sugar. Granulated cane sugar is most commonly used, and with just a few additional ingredients, we can elevate the syrup with a lovely lavender infusion.

First, I like to combine water, sugar, and dried lavender buds in a saucepan. Then, I bring the mixture to a low simmer and cook until the sugar is dissolved and the syrup has thickened, which usually takes about 15 to 20 minutes. Once this process is complete, I turn off the heat and let the lavender steep in the syrup for about an hour to infuse the delicate flavor fully.

After the lavender has steeped in the syrup, I strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer to remove the lavender buds, leaving behind a beautifully infused lavender simple syrup. This versatile syrup can now be used to sweeten and enhance a variety of beverages, such as iced tea, coffee, cocktails, and even lemonade. Additionally, it can be drizzled over desserts like ice cream, cakes, or even fresh fruit.

Creating a simple syrup with lavender-infused sugar is an effortless process that adds an elegant touch to any drink or dessert. Its delicate balance of sweetness and floral flavor will surely impress and delight anyone who tries it.

Gift Idea: Lavender Infused Sugar

I absolutely love giving gifts, and one of my easy, little favorites is lavender-infused sugar. It’s simple to make, and I can make it in advance, making it a stress-free gifting option.

All you need is sugar and dried culinary lavender. I like to choose organic lavender from trustworthy sources to ensure quality. Combine 2 cups of granulated sugar with one tablespoon of dried lavender and store it in an airtight container for at least one week. The longer you let it sit, the stronger the lavender infusion in the sugar.

This delightful gift can be used for various purposes: adding a unique flavor to baked goods, enhancing the taste of tea or coffee, or sprinkling on top of pancakes or waffles. The lovely floral scent and taste is a delightful addition to any dish.

Lavender sugar with flowers

Gift this lavender-infused sugar in small jars to make the perfect present for a bridal party, housewarming event, or any other special occasion. Your loved ones will surely appreciate this charming, homemade gift, and it won’t cost you an arm and a leg to create.

This thoughtful and versatile gift is a welcome change in a world full of clutter and excess. Lavender-infused sugar showcases your love and effort through a simple yet elegant homemade treat.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using lavender sugar?

Using lavender sugar in your recipes adds a unique and delightful flavor and incorporates the various benefits of lavender. Lavender is known for its calming and soothing properties, which can help alleviate stress and anxiety. Additionally, lavender has a lovely fragrance that adds a pleasant aroma to your dishes, making them more enjoyable and inviting.

What can I use lavender sugar for in cooking?

Lavender sugar can be used in various recipes, adding a subtle, floral sweetness to your dishes. It works well in baked goods like cookies, scones, cakes and beverages like teas and lemonades. You can also use it to sweeten coffee or as a garnish for desserts, such as fruit salads or ice creams. The possibilities are endless, and experimenting with lavender sugar in your recipes can yield delightful results.

lavender sugar

Are there any alternatives to lavender sugar?

If you do not have lavender sugar on hand or if you prefer a different flavor, there are several alternatives you can consider. One option is using other flavored sugars, such as vanilla or cinnamon. 

Another possibility is to use honey or maple syrup, which can provide a similar natural sweetness and give your dishes a more subtle flavor. Feel free to experiment with different alternatives to find the one that best suits your tastes and preferences.

What is the shelf life of homemade lavender sugar?

Homemade lavender sugar can last for six months or longer if stored in a clean, airtight container and kept in a cool, dark place, such as your pantry. It’s important to ensure that the container is sealed well to avoid moisture or contaminants, which could affect your lavender sugar’s quality and shelf life.

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  1. I love making a London Fog in cooler temps and it calls for some lavender syrup. Thanks for sharing!!

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