Tuesdays With Tracy

Hi friends, I am so happy to be joining you again on the blog. For those of you who are new, I am Kelly’s mom Tracy,  and just like many of you, I have been following The Tattered Pew since the day it started. 

January Tuesdays With Tracy

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Kelly has some fun creative decor and lifestyle things planned to share with you this year and I am so excited to see it too.

A Look Back at Our Christmas

I thought I would share a few of our Christmas Day photos with you before we launch into January. It was bitter cold here in Colorado.  The photo below was our pond so you can see we had a typical white Christmas… Nah, just kidding, we don’t always have a white Christmas so it was a treat this year.

Tuesdays With Tracy :Frozen Pond View

On Christmas Day we typically go to a candlelight service. 

Then we all gather at our house where we torture the grandchildren by making them eat dinner before opening gifts. Two of my favorite photos are of Crosby and Quinn peeking to see their gifts below. 

Crosby looking at presents
Quinn looking at presents

After church, dinner, and present opening my husband, Larry reads The Night Before Christmas to the grand girlies. We check to see where Santa is online and the families head home to put out his cookies and be asleep before he arrives.

dad reading the Night Before Christmas

Hello January

Hello January!  Time to transition from Christmas to Winter decor. Our tree sits in between the two chairs by the window.  Once the tree was taken to the basement it sure looked bare, so my old beat up  vintage wooden trunk was placed in its spot. 

Does your furniture have stories?

Most of my furniture tells a story and I love the memories it brings. That old vintage trunk was purchased while visiting Estes Park, CO with some of my dear friends. I can still remember the conversation we had about getting that old trunk and a giant gorgeous metal urn (not mine) into the car for the ride home. There was much laughter and a bit of over confidence when it came to getting some antiques home.  

Currently sitting on the trunk I have a tray for afternoon tea.  I’m a coffee drinker in the morning but in the afternoons, especially in winter we enjoy some decaf tea.  

Flat lay of winter tray

Shown on the tray is some Paris Decaf tea by Harney and Sons, our favorite.  One of my favorite teapots was a gift from a dear friend for one of my milestone birthdays.  It’s the Blue Arden teapot made in England by Burleigh Pottery.  Larry and I went to the Burleigh outlet on a trip there several years ago and brought home the cups and saucers. See those three pieces of candy?  We were given a wonderful collection of those by our son-in-law Ryan’s parents when they came for Thanksgiving. They are Meltaway Chocolates by Bakers Candy in Nebraska. Oh my goodness they are divine! That gift basket was packed with so many great items. (Thanks Cathy & Rob!)  

Winter Decor

Now for some of my winter Decor.  I like to keep some pine cones, candles,  and an occasional little tree up during January and February. I purchased the pine cone wreath below after Christmas a couple years ago at Target. Below are some similar links. 

pinecone wreath

As you can see in the photo below I’m hanging the wreath on a big round mirror in my entryway. Kelly and I use fishing wire or ribbons to hang wreaths.  Here I’m using clear fishing wire and I hooked it over an upside down Velcro hook on the back of the mirror.  

Tracy hanging the wreath

Then I put a blue knitted runner on the sideboard, as well as,  a tree,  and some candles.  

I love lighting candles, especially in the winter!

candles lit on sideboard

A Simple DIY

I decided on a simple DIY for my winter coffee table. I ordered a set of unfinished wood trays last year and then painted them white.  My sister and I did a Mod Podge design on a couple of the trays for her when she was visiting.  So I followed up with a couple for our coffee table.  In the photo below you can see the supplies and several paper napkins I considered using.  When doing DIY projects I always throw a plastic tablecloth on the table!

Simple Mod Podge Tray Steps

  1. When doing DIY projects I always throw a plastic tablecloth on the table!
  2. Assemble trays, napkins, scissors, Mod Podge, and paint brush/foam brush.
  3. Separate layers of napkin. At the corners pull away the white backing layer. You will use only the printed layer.
  4. Cut the napkin to fit the tray according to the design you decide to make. (I used the green napkin to cover the face of the tray. On the blue design I cut along the napkin design for a scalloped edge)
  5. Apply a layer of Mod Podge to the tray in sections and smooth the napkin over the glue. Then put another layer of Mod Podge over the napkin and tray.

Disclaimer:  I am not a Mod Podge expert! Ha!

The napkins are a little bumpy, but I like a casual look to things.  My friend was visiting and gave me the thumbs up when she saw the two layered trays on my coffee table.  

Modge Podge Trays

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I’m Still Learning

I went to Denver on Sunday to see “Sistine Chapel, The Exhibit”.  I went with some friends who have affectionately dubbed our group “the Artlings”. Once a week we attempt to meet to be guided by our talented artist friend Barb.  At our “mature” age we are still learning (with lots of fun and laughter). I was encouraged by my artling friends to share with you the final words of Michelangelo from his deathbed at the age of 88.  He said “I’m still learning”.  This was said by an artist who believed himself to be a sculptor and ended up painting the Sistine Chapel.  Don’t you love that?  No matter what, let’s keep learning.  What new things will you attempt to learn this year? It could be a simple DIY or class, whatever it is let’s attempt to say, 

“I’m still learning”. 

God willing and the creek don’t rise, I’ll join you next month!



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