Welcome Home Sunday With Guest Midwest Life and Style

 It’s August and for many of us that means summer is winding down and back to school time is quickly approaching. I have two more weeks before I head back to school. Our district has chosen to start in a hybrid model so it will be a juggle for me working full time and my own children being at home more than school. I like that we are easing in and that I will get to meet my students and form relationships with them. I am choosing to look for the good in a situation that seems so scary at times and clinging to Hebrews 6:19.  I’m hoping you can find some good too no matter what you are currently facing. 

Hope anchors the soul!

Today is our youngest daughter’s 8th birthday! We are celebrating with a fun breakfast buffet because she loves breakfast. She has grown up so fast and is coming into her own…I swear I just had her the other day! I am so proud to be her mom and I can’t wait to see what amazing plans God has for her!

Welcome Home Sunday

Today on Welcome Home Sunday we have a very special guest! My dear friend Jen from Midwest Life and Style is joining us! Jen and I have connected in person several times, mostly when she comes to visit her family here in Colorado, and she is a sweet soul! We first met on Instagram and quickly found out we had a lot in common. She just recently launched her beautiful blog and I am so proud of her! She has worked so hard to make it a reality and boy has she ever. Please stop by her blog to show her some love and I’m sure you will fall in love with her just like I did!

Welcome Home Sunday featuring a weekly guest!

I hope you find some time to visit each of my friends and what they have shared this week! Just click on the green links to be taken to each individual post.

Seeking Lavender Lane / At The Flea Part 1

Welcome Home Sunday: At the Flea

Sincerely, Marie Designs / Quick Slipcover Solution For an Upholstered Headboard

Welcome Home Sunday: A covered headboard

The Tattered Pew / Coastal Cottage Master Bedroom Makeover

Our coastal cottage master bedroom is a mixture of cozy and casual...even Kona loves it!

White Arrows Home / Summer Floral Arrangement In Yellow and White

Welcome Home Sunday: Summer floral arrangement in white and yellow

Noting Grace / Quick And Easy Framed Shiplap

Welcome Home Sunday: Quick and Easy Framed Shiplap

Midwest Life and Style / Cool Cucumber Pasta Salad

Welcome Home Sunday With Guest Midwest Life and Style

Enjoy your weekend!




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  1. It is going to be a challenging fall for so many students, teachers, and parents. I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible for you. Thank you for having me this week. Can’t wait to do it again sometime.

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