Welcome Home Sunday With Guest Our Crafty Mom

Happy New Year friends! I have taken a nice break from blogging to relax and be with my family  these past few weeks. And now that it’s January I am ready to start diving in to some fun new projects here at our house and I am so excited to share them with you all this coming year. It’s funny, but I feel like lately I have really been honing in on and finding my style. Anyone else feel like they found their groove in their 40’s?

Welcome Home Sunday

Today is our first Welcome Home Sunday of the year! We are so excited to have Michelle of Our Crafty Mom as our first guest this year. Michelle is the queen of crafting and DIYs! She has two children and lives in New Hampshire. Michelle and I have become friends through blogging and I always love to see what she is sharing next! Have fun checking out her post below all about transitioning your Christmas decor to winter.

Welcome Home Sunday featuring a weekly guest!

I hope you will enjoy the posts we are sharing this week! Just click on the green links below to visit each blog!

The Tattered Pew / Top 10 Posts of 2020

CHeck out the top 10 posts of 2020 for the Tattered Pew!

White Arrows Home / Highlights of 2020

Welcome Home Sunday: Highlights of 2020

Noting Grace / Best After Christmas Storage Ideas

Welcome Home Sunday: Best After Christmas Storage Ideas

Seeking Lavender Lane / 2021 Home Styling With Target

Welcome Home Sunday: 2021 Home Styling with Target

Sincerely, Marie Designs / Upstairs Guest Bathroom

Welcome Home Sunday: Cheery Blue Bathroom

Our Crafty Mom / 5 Simple Tips To Transition To Winter Decor After Christmas

Welcome Home Sunday: Our Crafty Mom

I hope you all have a wonderful week. I head back to teaching tomorrow. We will be virtual for two weeks and then we will be back in school full time. I am a bit nervous but ready to take on another challenge! Thanks for hanging out with me today!



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