Welcome Home Sunday January 17th

It’s time for our Welcome Home Sunday weekly series. Each week my friends and I get together and share our favorite, or most recent blogs posts with you. Today we have a fun mix…everything from tea parties, to a yummy french dip and cookie recipe, to European stone inspiration and winter porch decor. We hope you will take some time to look around each blog. If you have time leave a comment and say hello!

Welcome Home Sunday

TO enjoy each blog listed below just click on the green links and have fun!

Welcome Home Sunday featuring a weekly guest!

Noting Grace / 50 Calorie Just Enough Cookies

Welcome Home SUnday: 50 calorie just enough cookies

Seeking Lavender Lane / European Style Stone

Welcome Home Sunday: European Style Stone

Sincerely, Marie Designs / Crock Pot French Dip Two Ways

Welcome Home Sunday: Crock Pot French dip 2 ways

The Tattered Pew / Winter Porch Ideas

Welcome Home Sunday: Winter Porch Ideas

White Arrows Home / Celebrating National Tea Month

Welcome Home Sunday: Celebrating National Tea Month

Have a great rest of your weekend. I will leave you with this beautiful quote from Martin Luther King Jr.

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.

Martin Luther King Jr.



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