Welcome Home Saturday President’s Weekend

Hello friends! Welcome to this week’s edition of Welcome Home Saturday, a weekly series where several of my friends and I gather every Saturday on our blogs to share what is inspiring us around the web. Plus, catch a peek into what’s been happening with me lately.

Welcome Home Saturday Presidents Day Weekend

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This post contains other affiliate links too for your convenience. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.

Happenings at Home and President’s Weekend

Happy long weekend! What are you all up to? Anything fun?

We are just hanging around here because life is about to get crazy with Spring sports, dance and some upcoming travel!

Last week on Valentine’s Day it was my father in-law’s 81st birthday! He is an incredible man and has blessed our family in so many ways. We had him over for dinner (taco soup and mini buntinis) . We gave him this book and just enjoyed being together.

Happy Birthday Granddad

The weather here in Colorado has been snowy and cold. I am ready for Spring so I have started decorating little bits here and there and its been so nice to add some color back into our decor.

The green stems in the picture below are my latest purchase and I am so excited about them! They look so real and they are so affordable.

Next up I am on the hunt for some new spring pillow covers!

How about you, any Spring décor on your wish list?

Spring decor coming up with greens and blues

This weekend we are hoping to go up to Estes Park for a fun little day trip and I also plan to do a bit of shopping with all of the amazing President’s Day sales going on!

Let’s Hang Out Today

As you know I have been going live over on Amazon every Thursday and Saturday! I am finding that I really enjoy it and I love when you all stop in, shop and say hi.

Today you can join me on Amazon by clicking HERE…I’ll start at 10:30 am MST today and go for about an hour, but don’t worry, you don’t have to stay the whole time!

Answering a few questions… for those of you who may be new to Amazon Lives!

* What is an Amazon Live? An Amazon Live is a place to join me in my home, shop and watch me talk about the things that I have and love. Kind of like QVC, ha!

*How do I join the Amazon Live? You will tap HERE, and you’ll be let in or asked to log in to your account. Once in you should be able to see me, and there is a chat feature where we can interact, and you can ask me questions. I can’t see you so please say hi!

* How long does a live last? I try to keep mine around an hour or less, but they are all different. You do not need to stay the whole time, or you can!

*What if I miss the Live? No worries! All of them are recorded, and you can go back anytime and watch the replays HERE.

Huge Favor

Also, in order for my livestreams to be shown on the main Amazon page they require that I have 2,000 followers & I currently have 886. If you haven’t followed me yet, would you take a second and head over to this link and hit the follow button? Thank you!!! 😍

And PLEASE ask me any questions you still have. I am learning too and so thankful to have you on this journey with me!

This Week On The Blog

There were 3 new posts this week on the blog? Did you get to see them yet? If not I shared them below!

My Monday Must Haves this week consisted of items that I have and love! I’m sure you noticed it consists of blues and greens:) Recognize those stems from the picture above? I of course had to share!

Monday Must Haves

On Tuesday my mom shared her latest Tuesday’s With Tracy and it was a lovely post full of travel tips, pictures and an amazing heart shaped ivy topiary. You don’t want to miss it!

Heart Shaped Ivy plant for Tuesdays with Tracy February

Then on Thursday my post was all about how to decorate with baskets in your home! I might have more baskets than most people so this post was a long time coming!

Basket when decorating your home

Links and Loves

I have some fun links to share with you all today. Did you know if you click a shopping link in one of my posts and buy something (even if it’s not the same item I have linked) I earn a commission? Pretty awesome right? I am always thankful when you shop through my links. It helps keep this little blog afloat.

Check out these great President’s Day Weekend Sales! There are so many great ones and the ones below are the ones I will be shopping personally.

ETU Home Sale
  • J-Crew is having a 40% off sale!
  • McGee & Co is offering up to 25% off sitwide!
  • Pottery Barn is having a fabulous sale too.
  • Wayfair is having an up to 70% off sale!
  • Of course so is Target and Walmart. Have fun shopping and let me know in the comments below if I missed any other great sales!

Also, if you missed my Amazon livestream that I did last Thursday where I shared my travel favorites you can catch the replay here.

Want even more curated lists? Visit my Amazon Storefront where I have everything organized and linked for you in one spot!

Welcome Home Saturday President’s Weekend

Now let’s check out what my friends and I have been up to on each of our blogs! Just click the links below to visit each of them.

Welcome Home Saturday: A Weekly Home Decor Digest

She Gave it a Go / Spring Home Decor Finds

Welcome Home Saturday: Spring Home Decor Finds

White Arrows Home / 12 Favorite Vintage Finds for Winter

Welcome Home Saturday: Vintage Decorating Ideas for Winter

The Tattered Pew / How to Use Baskets When Decorating Your Home

Welcome Home Saturday: How to Use Baskets When Decorating Your Home

I’d love to have you hang out with me some more! Feel free to follow along with me on any of the platforms linked below.

LTK | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Amazon



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