Welcome Home Sunday With Caitlin Marie Design

 Hello again friends! I hope you are all staying safe and healthy. Our family is hanging in there and enjoying being together. This week I decided that each person in our family needed to pick a meal to be in charge of cooking. I figured that it would take a little off of my plate as well as add some much needed cooking lessons to our kid’s skill sets. So far it has been awesome! We have enjoyed tacos, breakfast, and steak. (My husband was in charge of the grilling lessons!)

Next up on the menu is spaghetti and chicken bacon ranch in the crock pot! Not only has this been helpful, but it has actually been fun! We have been able to enjoy more time together along with some meaningful kitchen lessons. However, I have to admit that my favorite part has been sitting down to dinner together as a family…every night. My heart is full!Welcome Home Sunday: Learning to grill

Welcome Home Sunday

If you have been visiting me here on the blog for awhile now you know that every Sunday my friends and I share our Welcome Home Sunday series with you. If you are new here, welcome! Each Sunday myself and some of my blogging friends, and one special guest, share a round up inspiring home decor and DIY posts for you to enjoy in one spot. This week we are excited to have the talented Caitlin from Caitlin Marie Design as our guest blogger. Please make sure to scroll down and check out all of the green links below. Our hope is that you will be inspired in some way shape or form!

Welcome Home Sunday With Caitlin Marie Design

Welcome Home Sunday featuring a weekly guest!

Noting Grace / How to Install & Mortar Wash a Herringbone Brick Patio

Welcome Home Sunday: Install Herringbone Brick Patio


Sincerely, Marie Designs / Lemon Drop Scones

Welcome Home Sunday: Lemon Drop Scones


The Tattered Pew / Spring Cleaning Tips & Storage Solutions for Your Bathroom


White Arrows Home / Painted TV Trays Made New Again

Welcome Home Sunday: Painted TV trays


Seeking Lavender Lane / Seeking Lavender Lane Collection of Vintage Prints

Welcome Home Sunday: Vintage Print Collection


Caitlin Marie Design / Bedroom Sconces

Welcome Home Sunday: Caitlin Marie Design



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  1. I love the idea of having everyone pitch in with the meal planning! Kirk did it this week and it was such a weight lifted off of me. Just that one less thing to do made all the difference. We are going to try this method next week. Thanks for sharing the idea!

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