Simple Summer Mantel With Lemons


My summer decorating has begun and like usual I have started with our mantel. I am in love with our simple summer mantel with lemons and I’m excited to share it with you.

It has breathed some new life into our family room, and I am now inspired to switch things up in the rest of our home too! Little by little and room by room.

A simple summer mantel with lemons!

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Today I am joining up with Krista from The Happy Housie and 9 other bloggers as part of the Seasonal Simplicity Summer series. Today each of us are sharing our summer mantels.

So, if you are in need of some summer decorating inspiration you have landed in the right spot. Just scroll down to the end of my post to find the other mantels! There is something for everyone.

Simple Summer Mantel with Lemons

This is the first time I am decorating our mantel for summer. We moved into this house last August and it was a crazy whirlwind to get things unpacked before I headed to my classroom and the kids started school.

So, this summer, I am taking a deep breath and enjoying every second of decorating our home for this new season.

A simple summer mantel with lemons, topiaries and mirrors.

I love how our rustic wood mantel pops against the painted white brick. We have yet to have a fire in here (it is a real working fireplace) but I have kept these birchwood logs here since last Fall. I like how they add some dimension to the black hole below the mantel.

Keeping Things Simple

If you have been around my blog for a while now you know I enjoy changing up my decor seasonally. Nothing too crazy…but when I get the itch to switch, I know it’s time.

I got the itch this past weekend.

Our spring mantel had a lot more going on and even though I loved it, it was time to simplify things a bit. Our mantel is a focal point in our room and one of the first things you see as you enter the family room.

To simplify things, I removed everything first and shopped my home for items I thought might work.

A simple summer mantel with lemons, mirrors and topiaries.

I have learned that layering items while decorating often gets me the look I am going for.

I started with the mirrors.

These lovely wood mirrors were my grandmother’s. She had incredible taste, classy and timeless style and I am honored to have a small piece of her living on in my home.

Symmetry Sweet Symmetry

After the mirrors, which created beautiful sentimental symmetry, I added two faux topiaries for even more symmetry. I usually go for more of an asymmetrical look on my mantel, but this look worked well. Sometimes it’s ok to “break the rules” and go with what makes you happy.

My grandmother's mirrors capture your eye on our mantel.

I have had these topiaries for years now and my mom reminded me about them. Well, she actually reminded me that they were in her basement. She (as well as my dad) is so kind to store a lot of my decor for me because I may or may not have a problem! ha!

I love the green they add to the rather neutral surroundings.

Breaking Things Up

Once I had the foundation, I knew it needed to be broken up and lemons were the first thing to come to my mind.

I have been all about them so far this summer.

Luckily, I had some lemon stems in my basement stash. I grabbed them and plopped them in my thrifted blue and white ginger jar. The bright yellow pops perfectly!

A simple summer mantel with lemon stems and ginger jar canister against white brick.

I love how it looks and I love how it is layered!

Creating a Theme

I am a big fan of creating themes or talking points and mantels are great for this! You may have guessed this summer mantel theme?

I like to think of it as a fresh garden look. The lemon stems and terracotta pots add some dimension that I think says summer!

Lemon stems in a blue and white ginger jar.

And next Monday I will be sharing the rest of our summer home tour and you will be seeing a few more lemons plus a lot more greens and blues! When I stick to a color scheme/theme it usually helps the decor just flow through the spaces.

A sideways look at our summer mantel.

Leaving Some White Space

Finally, like I mentioned above I was going for more of a simple look with our summer mantel. The number one trick for keeping it simple and not cluttered is to leave some white space! Less is always more when it comes to decorating your mantel for any season.

A simple summer mantel decorated with topiaries, lemon stems, a ginger jar and terracota pots.

I created white space by separating the mirrors and topiaries so some of the pretty white brick could show through. Not only does this appeal to the eye but it brightens up the space!

Simple Summer Mantel with Lemons

Are you feeling like keeping your decor simple this summer? Have you started decorating yet? I’m happy with how ours turned out and hopefully I was able to give you a little bit of inspiration and a few tips for your own space!

Thanks for hanging with me today! Now make sure to visit the 9 other gorgeous summer mantels linked below from my friends.



Today kicks off the Seasonal Simplicity Summer Series! For the next several weeks we will all be sharing some fun summer DIY and decor ideas with you. You can visit all of these great summer Mantel decorating ideas by clicking on the links below the images.

The Happy Housie

Grace in My Space

The Tattered Pew

She Gave it a Go

Rambling Renovators

Tatertots and Jello

My Sweet Savannah

Joanna Anastasia

Willow Street Interiors

Zevy Joy

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Summer Mantel Inspiration

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  1. Kelly,
    It is so bright and beautiful! AND-I love that those are your grandmother’s mirrors, and the story about your mom with the topiaries. Makes it all so special!
    This is all so inspirational-pinned, dear friend!

  2. Your home always looks so pretty and your mantel looks fabulous! I love the mirrors and their story. How lucky you are to have them!

  3. Love the look of lemons on your mantel! With the topiaries, it looks straight out of the Italian countryside.

      1. I always do some lemon decor in early summer,usually in my kitchen since I have a set of lemon themed dinnerware and linens. My mantle has a focal point of a landscape I love flanked by 2 candlesticks and green latticework latterns with faux candles with timers. Under the picture are 3 cream wear vases to balance everything with the rule of three. Simple for these busy days of summer. More coastal accents will be substituted in July and be left up till time for fall decor.

  4. This is gorgeous Kelly! I love the symmetry and especially the pop of blue and white on the vase paired with those lemons. So fresh and pretty!

  5. Great post as usual!
    You are blessed to have the mirrors.
    I would also appreciate some posts on what to put in the black box of the fireplace.
    No one I read has covered this area of a fireplace. Think about this! It could even be done by seasons.
    I either have the wood showing or tall candles in front of wood with Epson salted for snow,broker pillars and twinkle lights. I am looking for something more. Help!

  6. Great post as usual!
    You are blessed to have the mirrors.
    I would also appreciate some posts on what to put in the black box of the fireplace.
    No one I read has covered this area of a fireplace. Think about this! It could even be done by seasons.
    I either have the wood showing or tall candles in front of wood with Epson salted for snow, timed pillars and twinkle lights. I am looking for something more. Help!

  7. You knocked it out of the park. Memories plus creation makes it all shine!!!
    Keep smiling as you encourage us all.

  8. Your mantle looks so pretty, Kelly. I love the lemons…the perfect summer accessory. And I’m all about symmetry. This is perfection!

  9. Lemons! Love those for summer. Inspired to decorate and maybe make that Lemoncello recipe you posted a while back…

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