Welcome Home Saturday
Hello friends! Welcome to this week’s edition of Welcome Home Saturday, a weekly series where several of my friends and I gather every Saturday on our blogs to share what is inspiring us around the web. Plus, catch a peek into what’s been happening with me lately.

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This post contains other affiliate links too for your convenience. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.
Happenings at Home
I have two exciting things to share today.
First, today is my sister’s 40th birthday! We will be celebrating with her later this afternoon and I can’t wait. She is not only an amazing sister, best friend and athlete, but she is an incredible wife, mother and woman who loves her some Jesus! I am proud to be her big sister and I can’t wait to spoil her today. If you know her or see her make sure to wish her a happy birthday!
And second, it finally happened.
Mom and I found time to finish Crosby’s bedroom makeover! And the best part is that she loved it! She gave us full reign on the decor and we went a bit wild. It was so much fun to add color and patterns.
You know I love mixing my patterns! My hope is to share it in more detail here on the blog next week. But in the meantime you can see more over on my Instagram page. Make sure to venture to the highlight section and look for the bubble labeled Crosby’s Room!
The new pendant lamp we hung and the electricity gave us a bit of trouble but we persevered and got it done in a day! So thankful for my wonderful mom, her eye for design and detail and all of her help! Up next we hope to help my sister with her bedroom makeover. If you missed when we did my other daughter Grace’s room, you can see her bedroom here!
My Next Livestream
Today at 10:30 am MST I will be going live over on Amazon. If you haven’t joined me yet today is a great day to try it out.
They are very casual.
You can see me but I can’t see you. However, there is chat feature where we can talk. It’s fun because you get a peek into my house and get to interreact with me!
Join HERE. ( You can always watch the replay too!)
I am really enjoying them and want to thank those of you who have been supporting me over there. I love seeing your names pop up in the chat every Thursday and Saturday! 💕
I also wanted to say thank you to all of you who have followed me already on the Amazon app. I am up to 830 followers and so thankful! My goal is to hit 2,000 so my Livestreams are shown on the main Amazon page. You can follow me here if you have a moment.
This Week On The Blog
This week I had two new blog posts!
Up first was my Monday Must Haves. In honor of Crosby’s bedroom makeover I shared must haves for the bedroom! We have all of the items listed except for the patterned pillow. I have others made from the small shop I shared in the post. Stop by and see them all!
On Thursday I shared our dining room table all set for Valentine’s Day in a post titled: Colorful Valentine’s Day Table Decor Ideas ! Oh friends this table makes me SO happy and I hope it will make you happy too when you see all of the color and patterns I used.
Links and Loves
I have some fun links to share with you all today. Did you know if you click a shopping link in one of my posts and buy something (even if it’s not the same item I have linked) I earn a commission? Pretty awesome right? I am always thankful when you shop through my links. It helps keep this little blog afloat.
- Isn’t this table so pretty? I just ordered it and can’t wait to style it!
- I have my eye on these earrings!
- This was part of my sister’s 40th birthday gift. Pretty funny huh?
- Grace got this for her bedroom and she is loving it!
- These are in my cart currently.
- We got these as Valentine’s Day gifts for the girls.
Want even more curated lists? Visit my Amazon Storefront where I have everything organized and linked for you in one spot!
Also, if you missed my Amazon livestream that I did last Thursday you can catch the replay here.
Coming Up On the Blog
Next week I will be sharing the best faux flowers for my Monday Must Haves and then on Tuesday I am joining some of my blogger friends for a round up of the 10 Best Spring DIY projects. It’s going to be off the charts!
I can’t wait to show you what I did with these grocery store flowers!
Of course I will also be sharing Crosby’s new bedroom along with all of the sources. If you follow me on Instagram you might have seen her bedroom reveal yesterday in my stories. Mom and I had a blast pulling it all together! Here is her mood board once again. I can’t wait to share all the details on how we c=brought this mood board to life!
And if I have time I will be sharing some of the best Amazon Coastal decor! So many items in this collage that I am swooning over!!!
Welcome Home Saturday
Now let’s hang out with a few of my blogging friends. Now that it is February Valentine’s Day preparation and posts are in full sing.
Enjoy browsing the posts below!
The Tattered Pew / Colorful Valentine’s Day Table Decor Ideas
tatertots & jello / Dollar Store Valentine Heart Wreath
She Gave it a Go / The Best Valentine’s Day Treat
White Arrows Home / Beautiful Valentine’s Decor Inspiration
I’d love to have you hang out with me some more! Feel free to follow along with me on any of the platforms linked below.
LTK | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Amazon
Came read and enjoyed what I Iread
Crosby’s room came out so good! I love that cheetah lampshade!! How fun! Crosby and your sister’s youngest look like they could be sisters! Always enjoy your lives, Kelly! Be blessed today! 💛
Thank you, Kim!!
So many great ideas, Kelly! Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!
Thank you, Lynne!
I can’t wait to see Crosby’s room reveal. Her reaction was so cute and I love the little bits of it I’ve seen!
Thanks, Jen! I can’t wait to share it all! She loves it and that makes me so happy!