Welcome Home Saturday With Pasha Is Home

 Well hello there friends! Thanks for stopping by another edition of Welcome Home Saturday here on the blog. Each week my blogging friends and I get together and share our latest blog posts or some of our past favorites. This week we have my friend Pasha of the blog Pasha Is Home as guest. Make sure to visit her post below!

What I Have Been Up To

Schools out for summer! And now that school is over, we can fully embrace and enjoy our summer! Our garden is just about to go crazy with blooms. Have you seen my Instagram stories? Our viburnum snowball bush already has a ton of gorgeous white blooms and the peonies and roses are next.

Viburnum Snowballs in full bloom!
Our Viburnum Snowballs in full bloom!

We spent yesterday at the pool and it was amazing to just sit and relax after such a stressful year. As I sat there with my kids I was able to reflect on the many blessings that happened during this past school year and just be thankful. This summer our plan is to soak up our family time together and even take a few trips!

Our first peony of the summer!
Our first peony of the summer!

We are headed to Mexico as a family, plus I am blessed to return to Haven this year and be a mentor, and my husband and I have an anniversary trip to Florida planned! I can hardly wait. It will be a full but fun summer!

House Projects

This summer I have two projects planned. First, is my daughter’s big girl room makeover. We have her new bed in a box in the garage, I have ordered a sample of the wallpaper and her rug is on back order. I plan to hunt at garage sales for some nightstands to paint!  Second, is the brick floor I plan to install in our downstairs bathroom makeover. My sister said she will help me if I help her install the same floors in her mudroom. I am very excited for this project! If I can get these two projects done I will be one happy mama. What projects do you have planned for this summer?

Welcome Home Saturday 

Now take a peek below at what my friends have been up to on their blogs this week! I shared an oldie but a goodie . Three free peony printables in honor of my peonies just starting to bloom!

Welcome Home Saturday A Weekly Decor Digest

Crisp Collective / Summer In A Cup: The Perfect 3 Ingredient Cocktail

Welcome Home Saturday: Summer In A Cup

Tatertots and Jello / Coffee and Snack Bar Cart Upcylce

Welcome Home Saturday: Coffee and Snack Bar Upcylce

The Tattered Pew / Three Free Peony Watercolor Printables

THis free peony watercolor art is perfect for creating a vibrant summer vignette!

Noting Grace / European Farmhouse Kitchen Inspiration

Welcome Home Saturday: European Farmhouse Kitchen Inspiration

White Arrows Home / Summer Style Patriotic Porch Decor

Welcome Home Saturday: Summer Style Patriotic Porch Decor

She Gave It A Go / How To Create The Perfectly Organized Bathroom Closet

Welcome Home Saturday: Bathroom Closet Organization

Pasha Is Home / 9 Things I’m Kinda Obsessed With Right Now

Welcome Home Saturday: With Pasha Is Home

I hope you have a wonderful  weekend and may we remember those who have sacrificed this Memorial Day.

“Greater love has no one than this. Than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” John15:13




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